Welcome To
A Model-Type Virtual Community

A  Place Where We Include Everyone
and Exclude No One


.Since this is a "Family-Oriented-Community"...there is NO VIOLENCE of any kind shown here. 
 You will only be able to see Peaceful-Heartwarming Movies here.

 We have a Theatre-Lobby, (shown here) where we "suggest" "Healthy" Snacks (shown above) to eat in the "comfort of your own home", while watching your favorite movie. 
 We have a "Community-Theatre-Auditorium" right through those doors.

We will also have a "comment/suggestion/request" box (below) for you to fill out with any comments, and/or suggestions, and any requests you may have regarding what type of movie you would like to "see" .  

                                         (All the movies are via U-Tube.com)
All contents copyright 2004 / Rev. 2008-2010-10-2012-2016:Welcome to Community of One.com   Disclaimer
         ​Your Feedback, Comments and/or Requests of videos you would like to watch would
                                             be greatly appreciated.  Thank You. *
Your email address will not be published. 
 Required fields are marked with *
Before you leave, please fill out the form below, and also give us your feedback regarding the movie you just saw --(whether it's a             or a
  To watch a particular video simply click              on our student Sally
  <<< and she will escort you inside.

           NOW  SHOWING
HOMECommunity DirectoryIntroductionAbout Us
Community UniversityOur Community BlogCommunity LibraryWelcome To Our Tranquil Park
Community ActivityOur-Community-CafeCommunity Town HallCommunity Park At-Nite
Comm. Movie-Theatre-At-NiteExplore-The-Wonders-of-the-UniverseHave A Pleasant EveningMay-Each-Day-Be-A-Good-Day
Have-A-Beautiful-Evening -- Sweet Dreams